Sunday, October 24, 2010

I shouldn't wait so long!

Wow. I really shouldn't wait so long to write. Looking back at the posts just from the beginning of the semester a lot as changed. My whole life is constantly changing and as a person I am constantly changing. Not saying that I don't know who I am, because I've had a very good grip on that for as long as I can remember.  However, this semester I have really kind of cut loose and stopped caring so much what everyone else thinks.  I can really be who I want, say what I want, and at the end of the day have no regrets. I know that God has really been looking out for me and blessing me in a LOT of ways. I'm so lucky and thankful for all the times that have brought me to where I am now.

Speaking of where I am now, I am one week shy of my 21st birthday.  Growing up, you always look look forward to a few birthdays. 13-when you become a "teenager", 16- when you can drive, 18- when you are a legal adult, and 21- for obvious reasons. So far.... 13 pretty much sucked. I had a birthday party and was the only person who didn't dance with anyone. HA. 16 was even worse.... I spent the night in my bed watching "16 candles" by myself... Hmm, 18... Oh yeah, we went trick or treating and it really wasn't that fun. So I'm really hoping that 21 will be better. I'm actually really nervous to what the night is going to bring.  I can picture the night happening but I don't know if it is going to be the way I have planned in my mind. I always thought I might have a guy for all these birthdays, but I'm starting to be okay with the fact that I don't right now.  I am really trying to learn to appreciate where I am each and every day. The fact that I am about to be 21 has really started to scare me the past few weeks because a lot is about to start changing.  I only have 10 more classes and two internships to graduate.. and then I have to really start figuring things out. I'm trying to not worry so much about the future and live in the moment. But I think as humans we are constantly wondering what is to come.  Every day I plan to start really and truly thanking God for where I am in my life and living in the NOW. Because that is going to be over and something else is going to be happening very soon.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and don't forget to count your blessings :)


1 comment:

  1. i know exactly where you will be here shortly! well once you get out of college. gez, get done already. love you J! wouldn't change anything for the world, because it brought us together, and closer :)
