Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Have you ever had that one person in your life that just bugs you? Irks you? Makes you want to pull out your (or their) hair?  Always has something better to say than you? Basically just makes you want to scream with every move they make? Well I have that person. I believe God sends people like this into our lives for so many reasons. I think he puts these people into our lives to make us appreciate the ones we love and are close to.  These people who bother us are used as a platiform to bite our toungues and turn the other cheek. Matthew 5:39 says "But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." This is something that every day I am having to not only learn, but put into practice. Because God did give me the gift of having extrordinarily quick comebacks, it is hard for me not to snap back at people but instead just walk away.  Every day I am learning that instead of saying something inappropriate, I just walk away and say a quick prayer. God is really helping control my toungue, so that I can constantly be a light for Him. Now I'm not saying that it is easy, or that everday I am perfect in this mission. Because if that were true people would never bother me.  But it is so much easier to have Him on my side in this that it is to worry about these people. My prayer today and this week is that He will just watch over my toungue and my thoughts, and help me to always be the bigger person and give the glory to Him :)

In other news, Tommy is pitching tonight AND Freddie Freeman is making his MLB debut. And I will be in class for the beginning of it. Freeman is only 20 years old; turns 21 next Sunday (which I'll actually be at the game on his birthday) Since we are extremely close in age, I can't even imagine what it must be like for guys like that to be living their dreams. It has to be a pretty amazing experience to get paid to do what you love at such a young age.  My dad always told me that when it comes to a job make sure it is something that you love to do and not just something that makes money.  You need to be happy with whatever it is you devote your time to. So I just hope that whenver I am finally getting a job I can understand what it is like to love it, and not just do it because you have to. If all works out, one day I'll be getting paid to watch Freddie Freeman play :)

Have a wonderful, blessed day.

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